Thursday, October 30, 2014

Conflicts with a disempowering facilitator

Sometimes I completed work quicker than they anticipated and I would run out of projects to do. On my second Tuesday of work, I finished my work and there was nothing left for me to do.  Sharon said I could go home early but with Access Calgary picking me up, I could not change my schedule that quickly.  Lisa offered to drop me off at home.  However, a few days later she told me she was thinking about not working on Friday, saying it could be our free day to do whatever we wanted.  I didn’t like the idea.  I was enjoying work and didn’t want to cut back on my hours.  I didn’t want to say no outright so I suggested we talk to Sharon about it.  Lisa went and spoke to Sharon without me and she said it was fine.  However, it was not fine with me! I took off the following Friday to decide if it was finally time to talk to my coordinator about what I was feeling.

Basically, all my issues with Lisa had been building. I still met her at the Academy of Learning and she would take me to work in her car.  But she usually arrived half an hour after I did while I was stuck in my manual chair with a sore back.  I never thought that being with someone for three years could take away my independence and self-esteem, but it did.  I talked with my mom and some of my close friends and I had their support.  I realized that if I really wanted to show people what I can do and who I am, then I had to make a choice for myself. I needed to make that decision before spending another couple of months with this burden I was carrying around.  My self-confidence had decreased and I did not realize what was happening over time.

I believe now that when there is an issue in my life that causes significant discomfort for me, I need to address it directly, as soon as I can.  This was a big learning experience for me.  I realize how considerate and thoughtful I am willing to be, but not everyone is the same.  I think I expected something different and was not sure how to handle this situation, but I know better now.

I wrote a letter to my coordinator on a Monday explaining how I felt working with Lisa, how work was going, and what I needed in order to feel better about my job and myself.  I’m not the type of person who hides how I’m feeling but I found I was feeling discounted in arrangements that were being made, and I also knew that I needed to be with someone who was more caring of how choices could be affecting me.  I did not want to confront Lisa and was not confident that I would be heard.  It was a big challenge for me to sit down with her and tell her what I was feeling.

That Wednesday, I had a meeting with my coordinator and told her what was going on with Lisa and me.  I felt better after but I was a little anxious about what was going to happen the next day at work since I was with Lisa three days a week.  I was scared of seeing her the next day so I asked if I could go to work on my own and see what happens. I also wanted to go in my electric wheelchair to be independent.

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